2 products


"We are so excited to finally be launching this program.

This is the program that I wish I had when I started entering races and working towards big goals. We have partnered with my personal running coach, Nic, who has expert knowledge from years of experience as a Run Coach and Biokineticist.

He has coached 100's of runners through his practice and running club. He is a Comrades silver medalist and sub 2h45 marathon runner.

This program will not only be your daily training program leading up to your race, but it is also filled to the brim with education, guidance and tips.

It contains everything that would take you years to learn with personal experience, all put together so that you can get the best out of your training and ultimately reach and smash your goals."

Choosing the Program for You

We know that running your first ever race is just as big of an achievement as chasing a PB on a distance that you have run multiple times before.

But, there are differences in the way that you will train.

For one, we’re conditioning the body to be able to handle a distance that has never been covered before. For the other, your body knows the distance, so we can push for a fast time!

We therefore have 2 programs, Run Your FIRST and Run Your BEST.


Run Your First

You are a casual runner, but not a new runner. It will, however, be your first 21km.

You should be comfortable running 10km.

This program contains all the training and educational content you need to cross the finish line confidently!


Run Your Best

You are an intermediate to good runner, aiming to improve on your time.

You ran 21km recently, say in the past 6-12 months, and you are comfortable with the distance.

This program has a more advanced training schedule and contains additional educational content, compared to the Run Your First Program.